Your Best Voice SLP

Tel: 732-942-7220
Childhood Apraxia

Many parents bring their young children in when they are not yet meeting their language milestones. Late talkers, as they are known, are kids who might not babble as infants, and may not develop first words on time and may have a limited number of words that they use. Their younger siblings and peers may be surpassing their language development. They usually have difficulty with language expression as a result, although it's primarily a disorder of speech motor planning.
Kids who are not able to produce motor sequencing to generate speech into words easily, can’t imitate easily and typically have adequate receptive language (they understand everything) are often identified with apraxia. Apraxia may be present on any level of sequencing; sounds, words, sentences, and interfere with reading and writing when they are school-aged. However, sometimes, there are other things going on, so they must be ruled out, such as low tone.